Friday, March 9, 2012

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Question?

Just started playing the game earlier today, I saw that in the dialogue, you have options to 'confront' or 'reassure' or 'ignore' insults etc.

The options seemed pretty set in being either positive/negative replies, but my question is, how much of an effect do these have on gameplay/storyline outcomes?

For example, in ME2, answering in a negative manner (renegade) filled up the renegade bar, giving you more options to be a jerk in the future. In DA2, how you replied to people changed Hawke's personality and how she talked in the cutscenes.

Does answering and talking to people in a specific way change anything in game? Or is the choice just choosing what you get to hear in the next few seconds?

Thanks, and please, no spoilers, I'm not very far in yet. ^_^Deus Ex: Human Revolution Question?
If you make someone angry, they will be less willing to give you information or help you out which can have an effect on how much trouble you will have to go through to complete quests. You can sometimes get by having to pay someone credits for something if you can appease them. There's a certain augmentation you can get that can help you even more by showing you what type of person they are by their speech and giving you a best answer.

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